Friday, December 17, 2010

Indonesian or English?

I live in Indonesia, my mother tongue is bahasa Indonesia.

I had difficulties to set this blog language. I preferred English for this blog because I'm not familiar with Indonenglish or translations of English commands. Hiyah... I mean, bahasa Inggris yang diterjemahkan secara paksa ke bahasa Indonesia. Sulit juga berbahasa Indonesia :S

I registered as Indonesian, so automatically the commands are in bahasa (sounds weird for me). When I chose English as my language and previewing my post, there were some language mixed-ups in the template >.<

I went to "Settings" or "Pengaturan" on the top page, and then I saw that the language is still Indonesian, although the web-page's language has already in English. So I changed this template language into English. I hope it won't be another mixed-up, hahaha....

Dipta Dharmesti: An Introduction

Shakespeare said that name is not important. For me, a name is a gift, a hope, and also a prayer. 

Actually my complete name is Maria Delarosa Dipta Dharmesti. Beautiful name, is it? Hearing my name, people usually think that I'm half Spanish and Indian, LOL. Physically, I'm to small to be one of them. Yup, Maria is Mother of Jesus Christ. Delarosa means small rose (it was because many roses blossomed near my house's window), Dipta is taken from Sansekerta/ ancient Javanese language, means light, and Dharmesti (also ancient Javanese language), means the prime/important. Yes, I am the firstborn, but my younger sister is also a Dharmesti... Seems like a family name for me.

But as an Indonesian, I usually write only M. D. Dipta Dharmesti or only Dipta Dharmesti, because my nickname is Dipta. Other reasons are because it's simpler to write, sounds familiar to Indonesian, and bring luck (especially in Indonesia, hahaha...). I believe that I was admitted in Gadjah Mada University because that "M. D. Dipta Dharmesti" thing.

I am a bachelor of marketing management major. And also, I am a licensed pharmacist with competency certificate. How could it be? It was because I couldn't choose any suitable major, hahaha... You can ask me later about that ;) 

Finally I started this new blog. My previous blogs were trashes of my anger. Nevermind. Now I start a new page here. I hope Dipta's Thoughts can be useful for you.